Holy Guacamole….
What a year thus far! Let’s get into it!
Our new General Manager at DVA, Lynda McCaffery, has begun and brought with her a passion for the arts, a skill set that is enviable of most and an attitude to tackle anything and everything that is thrown DVA’s way! Please, if you haven’t already, check in on Facebook or Instagram to see her lovely smiling face…
Is anyone else COVID-19’d out? I am.
I stopped reading papers and I rarely watch the news.
Not because I don’t care or am not concerned, but because it is all consuming!
It does, however, mean that I have been able to concentrate on my arts practise. It means I can reconnect with my family (and my garden), and it means at DVA we can reinterpret the way we approach our ‘new normal’.
We have ventured into online exhibition creation and as a result we are now offering our exhibition program, shortened a little, but with an added online element to enable a wider reach and point of sale option.
Our first public exhibition that will be opened is on the 29th of MAY!
Quick, stick it in your calendar… I’ll wait ;)
We of course will be adhering to social distancing for the health and safety of all of our attendees at the opening, but won’t it be so nice to have an opening that is well attended and shows the thriving artistic heart of Darwin that continues to pump. We have an advantage over the rest of Australia, we can do this, we are allowed, so come and support the opening of our members and magnificent artists Rebecca Smyth, Amber Reid and Heather Whybrow.
I don’t want to bang on too much in this blog but I wanted to make sure everyone is aware that the DVA AGM is happening on Tuesday May 26th, at DVA (Ground Floor, Harbour View Plaza), from 6pm. Please, if you are keen to support this wonderful organisation and volunteer your time on the board as an executive member or as general member, come on down and join us. Get in touch with Lynda or Shauna and get a nomination form ready to go and endorsed. There will be a few positions up for grabs. I myself will be stepping away from DVA as Chair, not because I don’t love or believe wholeheartedly in this ARI, but because I am facing personal matters that won’t go away anytime soon and will not allow me to be the best Chair I can be for this worthwhile Arts Space. I will however, remain on the board as a General Member.
If you are interested in joining me on the board… GET INVOLVED! DVA is a great place that is looking to the future of Visual Arts in the Territory.
Keep creative and see you in May at the AGM and at our opening…